• This week at Ambrose June 26-29

    Pancake breakfast!  A big thank you goes out to the Bert Ambrose students for a great year!  Also thanks to the Firefighters for cooking and the 8 grade 6 girls who helped out.
    Regular day for some classes and special activities for others:  Primary Fun Morning,

  • This week at Ambrose June 5-9

    This week June 5-9 at Bert Ambrose!
    Please check with your child’s teacher for class events.  If you ordered flowers from PAC they are available to pick up at the office.

    Monday -Regular Day

    Tuesday -1:15 Assembly and School Spirit Colour Day,

  • Flower delivery June 2

    Please note that the PAC flower delivery has been postponed and flowers will be available for pick up after school. Thanks!