No School Friday, Nov 11! Next week dates; Christmas Shoe Box & Wreath Orders Due!

November 10-Rememberance Day Assembly at 10:45, starts at 11:00
November 11 – Remembrance Day- no school in session
Next week at Ambrose- November 14-18
We have a number of dates and reminders to share with you for upcoming events.
November 14- Wreath orders due
November 16- Picture Re-takes
November 16- Siagon Noodles for Hot Lunch
November 18- Final Day for Christmas Shoe box donations
November 18- Hot Dog Day and Spirit Day- wear your house colours! Teachers have told all students which house they are in. The house colours are representative of the Medicine Wheel, which is a First Nations symbol representing the four directions, as well as Father Sky, Mother Earth and Spirit Tree. This symbol has been used for generations for health and healing. Our house colours are Red-Wolves; Black- Bears; Yellow-Eagles; White -Orcas.
November 14-18 is reading incentive week. Our theme is ‘Reading Wars’ to honour Remembrance Day.

Bert Ambrose is once again participating in filling shoe boxes for the program Operation Christmas Child.  If you are interested in your children and your family taking part:
1) Pick up your own box to fill from the office
2) OR bring in an item/items to help fill a box at school
3) check out the link below to find out what items are appropriate for the box and to find out more about the program:
Also, a notice from PAC that there will be NO PAC meeting in December.