PAC Meeting May 14, 2013
In attendance: Teresa Brown, Shaleen West, Tammy Greer, Sheilagh Close, Laurie Shuster, Corrie Bennie, Traci Hammond, Sarah Christianson, Doug McCracken, Christine Lindh, Irene Fisher, Candace Romanow
Call to order: 6:32 pm
Adoption of Agenda: Corrie Bennie/Sarah Christianson
Adoption of minutes from April 9th meeting (any omissions/additions): Shaleen West/Teresa Brown
Sally Birley : School District 60 Resource Teacher who also works with deaf/hard of hearing students. She gave a presentation on the sound-field amplification that can be used by the teacher in the classroom setting. She gave information about the key studies and the benefits of the sound-field classroom amplification. Approximate cost per unit (1 microphone and speaker) is $989.00 (from Redcat). $100.00 per extra microphone. 9 teachers are interested in having them for their classrooms in Ambrose. Motion for PAC to order 2 to be here for September: Irene Fisher/Shaleen West. Carried
Treasurer report: general account: $17,780.28 left after cheques have cleared. $154.09 in gaming account. Mrs. West will be applying for next year’s grant, application deadline is June 1.
DPAC: The school has finished the proxy. May 21 is the DPAC AGM. Parent conference is possibly changing for next year, looking at doing smaller workshops throughout the year instead of doing all in 1 day.
New Business:
School busing for out of town kids: newsletter regarding this went home. There has been a reallocation of funds for transportation. One proposal is to charge $200 per student per year (or $500 for 3 or more kids) to help make up for this shortfall. Students will be issued a bus pass to ride the bus. May 16 from 5-8 p.m. there will be question and answer period at the School District office. Everyone is welcome.
Purdy’s will be sending us a basket. PAC will look at possibly doing a fundraiser and selling tickets for the basket.
Changes in administration in the fall: Mr. McCracken will be going to Taylor in the fall of 2013. Mr. Ritchie will become the new principal of Bert Ambrose. Mr. Filmer will be going to Taylor and Mrs. Broderick will be taking a one year educational leave of absence.
School uniforms have been brought up. This is not a PAC issue but all parents with concerns about any issues are encouraged to attend PAC meetings.
Meeting adjourned: 7:47 p.m.
Next PAC meeting: June 11 @ 6:30 p.m.
PAC MEETING April 9, 2013
In attendance: Joelle Mickey, Tammy Greer, Shaleen West, Sheilagh Close, Traci Hammond, Doug McCracken, Laurie Shuster, Teresa Brown, Kathy Hagen, Sharene Bevan, Lori Kachowski, Corrie Bennie, Christine Lindh
Call to order: 6:35 pm
Adoption of Agenda: Kathy Hagen, Joelle Mickey
Adoption of minutes from March 12 PAC meeting: Teresa Brown, Shaleen West
Treasurer’s Report: Shaleen West – currently have $152.96 in gaming account. $22,282.16 in regular account
DPAC Report: Teresa Brown BCCPAC – AGM Proxy vote. Vote is due by April 24.
Old business:
Purdy’s: rebate cheque : $1514.49
Year book: first cheque has been sent in the amount of $2417.00. So far $3720.00 worth of books have been ordered. Please remember that the final orders are due no later than APRIL 18th. Extra books are not ordered so please make sure to order them to avoid disappointment.
Parent conference: PAC donated a basket, attendance was down this year.
Healthy living day: great response from students!
Carnival: due to lack of volunteers, the carnival will hold off until fall. This will again be dependent on amount of volunteers. The theme will be Dr. Seuss.
New business:
I-pad demo’s: 4 students from Mrs. London’s class gave PAC a mini-presentation on how the I-pads are being used in the classes and some current projects they are working on. (Thank You)
Missoula theatre: auditions have taken place and the cast is practicing. April 12 is the presentation day. The entire school will be at the afternoon presentation at the Cultural Centre. The presentation for the parents and public will be Friday Night at 7:00 pm. Please get your tickets in advance at the North Peace Cultural Centre. The title of this play is: “The Secret Garden!”
Regional science fair: took place today, April 9th. The Ambrose students did very well! Our students brought back 2 bronze, 2 silver and 10 gold medals! Congratulations to all of the students! A huge thank-you to Mr. Frankham and Mrs. Ollenburger for all your time and effort!
What’s new at Ambrose:
The next 2.5 months are going to be busy, busy, busy!
April 16 is class picture day
April 19 Science World will be at the school for an afternoon presentation
May 2/3: Badminton tournament
May 8 is McHappy Day. Order forms will go out April 15th.
May 10: SPC/planning day
May 14: Speech Competition @ 1:00
May 13-17 Paul Hann! School presentation will be May 17 @ 1:00
May 22: Magician presentation in the gym
May 24 School track meet
May 28: Doig days for gr. 4 students
Both of our co-chairs will be finishing in June as their children are moving on to Middle School. The PAC will be looking to fill those positions. If you are interested, please come to our PAC meeting in May and let us knowJ
Adjourned: 7:35 p.m.
Next PAC MEETING: May 14, 2013
Bert Ambrose: Parent Advisory Council PAC meeting: February 12, 2013
In attendance: Tammy Greer, Sheilagh Close, Traci Hammond, Shaleen West, Laurie Shuster, Lori Kachowski, Shannon Stewart, Ashley Bergen, Christine Lindh, Sharene Bevan, Irene Fisher, Joelle Mickey, Daniella Hernandez, Doug McCracken
Call to order: 6:30 p.m. Adoption of agenda: Shaleen West, Shannon Stewart
Adoption of minutes from January 15 meeting : Lori Kachowski, Ashley Bergen
Guest speaker: Jaimelia Turner presenting information on the upcoming Parent Conference, (March 9 @ 9:00 a.m. at NPSS.) It is 100% free. You can register on-line or view sessions at You can also pick up a package from the school office. They can be dropped off or faxed to Alwin Holland. Children are able to attend some sessions with their kids. On-site daycare will be available for 3-5 year olds and a fun fair for 6-12 year olds.
Treasurer report: At this time $28,194.36 in main account, $4,152.16 in gaming account. The I-pad cheque has not yet been written. (Approximately $12,000.00) Rebate cheque from Purdy’s $1100.00 (included in total of main account)
New Business: School kitchen needs a few items such as oven mitts, tea towels, dish towels. Motion for PAC to pay up to $50 for these supplies: Lori Kachowski, Shaleen West. Motion carried.
Anti-bullying t-shirts: they have arrived and will be sent home with students the day prior to Anti-bullying day (February 27) or handed out the morning of. PAC will pay the additional cost of $200.00 for the shipping and HST on the shirts since the order form from the company did not state that. Virtues assembly will take place on February 27 also.
Spring carnival: Tammy Greer and Lori Kachowski will be heading up the spring carnival this year. A lot of volunteers will be needed to make this a go so please stay tuned for further information. We will be looking at April or May for the carnival date.
Shannon Stewart will be looking for student volunteers to put in the Lunchmate points daily. Mr. McCracken will take this on. Mrs. Stewart will train the students to enter the points. We are currently at 4,500 points. They will be used in part to buy prizes for the carnival. Mrs. Stewart as made a poster as well as a box located outside the main office for the soup labels. Please continue to bring them and the Lunchmates in. Thank-you
Upcoming events:100’s Day is February 13 for primary students. (afternoon only)
The fundraising for Marshal will continue until February 15th. He is a student at our school who broke his leg and the school is doing a coin drive to help cover some costs of his treatment. Wishing you a speedy recovery Marshal!
March 5th is Science fair for gr. 4-6.
March 15 is Healthy Living Day
Roots of Empathy program is going well. Students are enjoying their interaction with baby Wyatt.
Meeting adjourned: 7:10 p.m. Next meeting: March 12 @ 6:30 pm
Date: January 15, 2013
In attendance: Tammy Greer, Traci Hammond, Sheilagh Close, Doug McCracken, Joelle Mickey, Corrie Bennie, Shaleen West, Irene Fisher, Teresa Brown, Shareen Bevan, Candace Romanow, Christine Lindh
Call to order: 6:32 p.m.
Adoption of Agenda: Joelle Mickey/Corrie Bennie
Agenda of minutes from November 13: Joelle Mickey/Corrie Bennie
Treasurer report: gaming account: $4151.28 regular account: $27,256.30 (I-pads/projectors cheque still to clear)
DPAC: $75.00 fee paid at the beginning of the year may be reimbursed. DPAC is currently putting together information on how other schools deal with issues such as allergies, school fees, PAC meetings, etc. Info will be shared with schools in the district.
Old business: I-pads are now in the classes for teachers, currently working on getting the projectors mounted. Feedback has been great from teachers and students!
New Business:
Easter Purdy’s: Catalogue will go out in February and will be due back the first week of March to ensure the orders are back before spring break. Traci Hammond will look after the orders again and Corrie Bennie will be looking after any future orders.
Yearbook: an invoice is being generated for 80% of orders which will be $2417.60. This will need to be paid before the yearbooks can be ordered. Order forms will go out 2x again this year, once in February and again in March.
PAC newsletter will be coming out shortly. It just a quick update for parents on what’s new in the PAC, what’s coming up & what we have been spending funds on.
Soup labels: PLEASE remember to send in your soup labels. Shannon Stewart will be making up a poster for the school to remind parents and students to keep bringing them in, lunchable labels can only be entered 1x a day and to a max of 10. This is very time consuming for Mrs. Stewart so perhaps the leadership class would like to take this over or completely stop this program as it’s not very profitable.
Mrs. Shuster is asking the PAC for $500.00 to purchase games/puzzles, etc. for classes to use on inside days. PAC would like to see a letter issued from teachers asking parents to donate used items first. Will see how that goes and re-visit this at a later time.
Anti-bullying day is Feb 27. Big thank-you to Mrs. Close and Mrs. Hammond for spearheading the Anti-bullying day t-shirt campaign. PAC has paid for Anti-bullying labels for each student in the school. Labels are $50.00 for 250 labels (2 sets were ordered)
Parking lot: The parking lot continues to be a huge issue. Corrie Bennie has agreed to spearhead the parking lot campaign by talking to the city, etc. to see what can be done about this on-going issue. Mr. McCracken will phone the city again.
Upcoming fundraisers: possible ideas: Mable’s labels, cookie dough, re-useable shopping bags. Will look at these ideas in the future.
Meeting adjourned: 7:30 p.m.
Next meeting: February 12, 2013 @ 6:30 p.m.
2012/2013 Bert Ambrose Elementary Parent Advisory Council
Bert Ambrose Elementary PAC meeting October 9th, 2012
In attendance: Tracy Hammond, Sheilagh Close, Sheleen West, Joelle Mickey, Christine Lindh, Cara Nault, Corrie Bennie, Lana Scott-Moncrieff, Ashley Bergen, Doug McCracken, Laurie Shuster
Call to order: 6:30 p.m.
Adoption of Minutes from September 18th 2012 (any omissions or additions): Joelle Mickey, seconded Sheilagh Close; carried
Treasurer report: current balance: $30,508.65 (still have a cheque for $4,399.50 to clear )
$7,884.94 in the gaming account
Old Business
Dielmanns –$17,600 in total sales, Mrs. Kachowski has orders in, not sure of our total money the PAC will receive, over 40% though.
Purdys- order forms will go home October 15th and will have to be back on October 25th. They orders should be back to the school around Dec 3/4th in time to fix any mishaps that may happen.
EZ Fundraiser- order forms will go home October 15th and will have to back in October 25th.
Hot lunch is going great- Mrs. Hammond has told the kindergarten teachers they will need a parent helper on hot lunch days to help hand out the orders. Mrs. Lindh would like teachers to have name tags on the student’s desk to make it easier to hand out orders.
Pancakes breakfast was great. Mr. McCracken would like some pictures to display!
Parking is still a huge issue, will be making no parking signs to go by the fire hydrant. Idea to have a parking lot diagram in the newsletter to show parents where to park.
Terry Fox run- the students raised $1,800
Rik Leaf- has had good feedback from the students. It would be great to have him return next year as Paul Hann is not returning after this year. The grant covering his cost should be here soon, the PAC will only have to cover the GST portion.
New Business
Mr. McCracken would like the PAC to purchase tables for the school to use for all their functions. The school has been paying hundreds every year to rent tables, buy purchasing them we would eventually be saving money. Mrs. Nault motioned to purchase 25 tables for the school, seconded by Mrs. West; carried.
The Eco Depot has dropped off large recycling bins for the school to use. Mr. McCracken is working on the best way to collect all the different types of recycling from each classroom that will be placed in the bins.
Roots of Empathy- Mrs. Shuster attended the course and will be implanting it into our Kindergarten class rooms. The program runs for about 27 weeks.
Mrs. Nault has been approached by the Lido that if we want to use it as a fundraiser location if we need one. Ideas could be a ladies night out with wine and chocolate. We would have to have our own workers there.
Spring fundraisers- Purdy’s and possibly ladies day out
Mr. McCracken talked about purchasing ELMO’s for our classrooms that do not have them, it would cost about $2,000 per set and we would need 6 of them for a total of $12,000. Mrs. Bergen motioned to purchase 6 ELMO’s for the remaining class rooms, seconded Mrs. Scott-Moncrieff; motion carried.
Intermediate teachers; Mrs. Barr, Mrs. London & Mrs. Watchell will be doing a course about teaching second languages.
Meeting adjourned 7:25pm
Next Meeting November 12th 2012
September 18, 2012
In attendance: Carole Nelson, Shaleen West, Tammy Greer, Traci Hammond, Sheilagh Close, Lori Kachowski, Christine Lindh, Daniella Cisternas, Doug McCracken, Laurie Shuster, Joelle Mickey, Ahsley Bergen, Cara Nault, Irene Fisher, Kathy Hagen, Corrie Bennie, Tamra Lee, Sharene Bevan, Teresa Brown, Mara Hanna
Welcome to the meetingJ
Call to order: 7:05 p.m.
Acceptance of June’s minutes: Cara Nault, Shaleen West
Treasurer report: $12,936.90 (no cheques to clear), gaming $1184.94 (grant has not gone in yet)
Had to re-file 2010, 2011, 2012 gaming grants
Elections: SPC (School Planning Council) Irene Fisher, Kathy Hagen, Cara Nault, Theresa Brown (motion passed)
D-PAC: Teresa Brown (motion passed)
Treasurer: Shaleen West (motion passed)
Secretary: Tammy Greer (motion passed)
Co-chairs: Traci Hammond & Sheilagh Close (motion passed)
New Business:
Fundraisers: Dielemans, Ezfundraisers (wreaths, bird seed), Purdy’s will be done this Fall/Winter. Ladies day/night out event (?) could be possible for spring (tabled until spring).
Fundraising money will be going towards Fine Arts activities including Rik Leaf, Paul Hann, Missoula Theatre. Other possible ideas are to provide a projector and Elmo for each class that does not have one (approximately 6 classes). Cost is approximately $2000 per set.
Hot lunch program: Cara Nault and Sandy McDonald will be taking over from Mrs. Hammond. Hot lunches will begin in October and will occur every Wednesday. Order forms will go out a week before the end of the month and will be due no later than the following Thursday. NO LATE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED due to the amount of time it takes to organize the orders. Kindergarten will start hot lunch in November and we would like one Kindergarten parent per room to assist with this process. Volunteers also needed for sorting and delivering the meals. Approximately 1 hour every Wednesday (11:40-12:40ish)
Campbell’s soup labels: please continue to bring them in. J Shannon Stewart has kindly agreed to continue organizing this program for us and will provide an update on exactly what we can turn into funds for the school as well as the specifics for cutting out the labels and bar codes. Funds from this program support students through the provision of additional sports equipment and other classroom supplies that allow teachers to extend learning opportunities.
Parking: Please do not park by the fire hydrants or where the NO PARKING SIGNS are in place! It is very dangerous for our students crossing the street. The by-law officer has been here and will make periodic visits to the school. For the safety of all students, please go into the parking lot to drop your children off. Thank you for your cooperation with this.
Yearbook: Mrs. Hammond and Mrs. Greer met with Owen from Jostens this afternoon to discuss next year’s yearbook. We are already starting to take pictures of various school events. This is a huge project and we are looking for volunteers to take pictures and submit them to us. More details to come.
Rik Leaf – Mr. Leaf will be at our school next week (Sept 24-28) to work on Slam Poetry with the Intermediate students. Primary students will also have one session with Mr. Leaf. We received a grant from ArtsStarts and Silver Wheaton for the amount of $1800. PAC will cover the remaining costs. *Please note there will be an assembly on Friday, September 28 at 1:15 where students will be showcasing the work they have done with Rik Leaf.
Terry Fox Run – The leadership classes (Mrs. London and Mrs. Barr) will be organizing our Terry Fox Run which will be held on Friday, Sept. 28 at 12:45. Students will be encouraged to bring in donations for the Terry Fox Run Foundation in the form of a coin drive and house team challenge. More information will come home about this next week.
Roots of Empathy: This is a District intiative that teaches human development, emotional literacy, and nurtures the growth of empathy. Mrs. Shuster will be trained as a facilitator this year and will work with a Kindergarten class to implement the program. The program involves a family with a young baby agreeing to come to the school over a 9 month period (one visit per month). The facilitator works with the classroom prior to each visit, during the visit, and following each visit to address the goals of each session.
Pancake breakfast: We are looking at possibly doing a pancake breakfast/pajama day as a welcome to the school year. Information will be sent home as soon as dates are confirmed.
New Staff: Ms. Irene Trockstad has joined the staff as our Learning Assistant/Intermediate Prep Teacher. Mr. Richard North has been appointed .2 Primary Prep Teacher.
Adjourned: 8:10 pm
Next meeting: Tuesday, October 9 @ 6:30 pm