Beginner Band Retreat Highlights

On October 15, all SD60 Beginner Band students were mentored by all SD60 Senior Band students at the North Peace Cultural Center. Just under 200 students from 14 schools were in attendance, as well as parent volunteers and former SD60 Band graduate Jonathan Pike. SD60 Band teachers Sabrina Brooks and David Price were overseeing the day.
In the morning of the retreat, the Senior Band demonstrated the two songs beginners will learn for their first “real full band songs” for their Christmas Concert. Videos of Senior Band playing Creatures in the Attic:

and Zombie Stomp:

Then, the Seniors taught the Beginners how to play Creatures in the Attic in a full day of workshops and clinics focused on learning rhythms, note names, fingerings, how to read sheet music, and how to put all that together to play a song. At the end of the day, all students performed Creatures in the Attic on stage. Video of all beginners playing their very first “real full band song”, Creatures in the Attic, dressed as creatures!:

Senior Band also played for Beginners while they ate lunch the songs the Senior Band are working on for their Christmas Concert.

Here are some photos of the highlights: