Christmas Concert

The Creative Writing classes wrote some spoofs about ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas’ about this year’s concert. Here are two great examples from the class. The students would like to wish you Happy Holidays.
The Night Before the Christmas Play by Jaidyn – Grade 6
‘Twas the night before the Christmas play, when all through the school,
not a child was stirring, not even the fool.
And the children were tucked in their beds, while pictures of the audience jumped around cheering in their heads,
while all of the parents sat watching T.V., they thought of how proud their child would be.
Then with a crash from the office, four legged quadrupeds dashed and pranced around,
followed by one man in a red suit, who was quite round.
Then with a final clang twenty little green men came stumbling through, holding hammers and screwdrivers ready to work,
then silently but quickly all of the creatures started to lurk.
Through hallways they crawled, when they got to the gym the man started to bawl, there were no decorations to be seen.
Then the smallest elf said with a sigh, “There are no presents, no tree, and definitely no Christmas pie.”
With a clank of a hammer, and twist of a wrench, the crew was so tired they almost fell asleep on a bench.
Then later that day, the children came excitedly whispering about the play,
if they knew what a joyful surprise was in store, the older ones wouldn’t have thought of it as a bore.
‘Twas The Night Before The Christmas Play by Chris, Grade 6
‘Twas the night before the Christmas play,
We had been working all through the day.
In every nook and cranny in the school,
Every creature was stirring even Charlotte the guinea pig with lots of drool.
It was time for rehearsal after working all day,
We saw the fake Santa Claus climb into his sleigh.
Out in the crowd there rose such a clatter,
The fake Santa Claus was climbing a ladder!
Down to the stage he jumped with a bound,
When he landed he said after turning his head around,
“You have nothing to fear” he said with his face full of Christmas cheer.
Thank you to everyone for making our Christmas concert a great success! Enjoy the photos below of some of the action!
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