Message from our PAC:
Our Growing Smiles delivery is scheduled to arrive at some point on Thursday. Because of us not knowing what time the truck may arrive, we will schedule the pick up of flowers for Friday, May 15th from 9 to 11 am at the school. We will set up the pick up of your orders in the same fashion as when you picked up your child’s school work back in April. The only exception will be you will approach the table on the west side gym doors (closest to the playground) and exit with your flowers on the east side gym doors; so you don’t have to carry them quite as far to get to your vehicle. If, by some chance, the flower order comes very early Thursday morning we will try to do pick up on Thursday. We will post on our PAC Facebook page, send a mass email and will phone individual orders that are left. Please remember to social distance from one another during pick up.
The Bert Ambrose PAC appreciates your continued support! Enjoy your flowers .
Corrie Bennie
PAC President