• This Week – Sept. 30

    Please click the link below to see what is happening this week.
    This week Sept 30
    Don’t forget to send healthy recess snacks to earn house points this week.

  • Newsletter

    Please click below to view the newsletter being sent home September 27th. If you would like an email copy of this and the weekly news, please email dritchie@prn.bc.ca to have your address added to the list.

  • Cross Country Run

    Due to a mix up with the bus dispatch, we were unable to attend the run today. We will host our run on Wednesday, Sept. 25th at Kin Park. If you are able to help out by marshalling at a corner,

  • This Week – Sept. 16-20

    Please click the link below to view events taking place this week at Bert Ambrose.
    this week sept 16
    If you would like this document emailed to you, please email Mr. Ritchie at dritchie@prn.bc.ca and include your email address.

  • This Week at Bert Ambrose

    Week of September 9 – 13
    Monday – First day for Kindergarten students! Welcome to our newest learners.
    Tuesday – Open house at 6 pm, PAC meeting at 7 pm. We look forward to seeing you there
    Soccer –

  • Soccer Coaches Needed

    Students are signing up for the upcoming soccer season. Any parents interested in coaching, please contact Mr. Ritchie.

  • Electronics Policy

    Sorry to have missed this in the newsletter. Students are reminded that personal electronics are not to be used on school grounds. Students not following this expectation will have their device brought to the office for collection at the end of the day.

  • Welcome Back

    A big thank you to everyone for making me feel so welcome during a busy first week back to school. It is wonderful to be working with such a collaborative group. I am excited to be learning about all the great things happening at the school and look forward to getting to know everyone in the days and weeks to come.