• Wind Turbines

    Last week, students in Mrs. London’s & Mrs. Barr’s class worked with small teams on a wind turbine challenge. They used the design process (design, create, test, make improvements) to build a wind turbine that would produce maximum electricity when placed in front of a fan.

  • Ms. Cronin – Landforms

    Ms. Cronin’s class has been learning about landforms and had the opportunity to make their own landform and to see how erosion can change the landform.

  • The Cay – Models

    On Friday, Mrs. London’s class worked with partners to build models of the island from our Novel Study, The Cay.

  • Pink Shirt Day

    Bert Ambrose staff and students celebrated Pink Shirt Day on Feb. 24. We took part in zoom sessions with motivational speaker, Michael Bortolotto, and discussions were had around preventing bullying and social inclusion. It was wonderful to see so many students wearing pink in support of this important event.

  • Thank you to our PAC

    Thank you, PAC, for this nice surprise!
    From Room 12! Mrs. Tacey / Mrs. Podulsky’s class

  • 100’s Day at Bert Ambrose

    Our primary students in Kindergarten to Grade 2 took part in 100’s day on Tuesday, celebrating 100 days of learning so far this school year.

    One of the activities they participated in was stacking 100 cups in groups of 10,

  • Wacky Hair Day!

    It was wacky hair day today at Bert Ambrose on this fun Friday.
    Here are a few pictures of our staff and students’ wacky and creative hairstyles.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  • Grade 5 Science Models

    The grade 5 students in Mrs. Hofstrand’s and Mrs. Lee’s class made 3D models of one of the body systems that they had learned about in science class. They produced some very creative and impressive projects and had a lot of fun wrapping up the human body unit.

  • Paper Helicopter Challenge

    Today students in Mrs. Barr’s and Mrs. London’s class were learning about the helicopter drone that is being sent to Mars along with the Perseverance Rover. Students worked in pairs to build paper helicopters and test them to see how different factors might change how fast the blades spin and how fast the helicopter falls.