Puppetry Residency

“The Most Amazing Time!”

“They were fun!  I liked their personalities!”

“It was a blast!”

These are what some of the students had to
say about the puppet residency with Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Ritchie.  Our primary students absolutely loved working
with the puppets. 

Law of Inertia Test

Mrs. London’s class tested Newton’s Law of Inertia by building lego cars and testing to see what happened with and without seatbelts.

Gravity Cars

Mrs. London and Mrs. Barr’s class made gravity cars and raced them today!

Primary Puppetry Residency

A big thank you to Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Ritchie for their puppetry residency that was presented to our primary classes!

Book Fair Times

Tues. Feb. 11 to Fri. Feb. 14

8:20am to 8:40am

12:00pm to 12:20pm Intermediate

12:20pm to 12:40pm Primary

2:45pm to 3:30pm

Thurs. Evening Feb. 13

5:30pm – 7:30pm

Family Book Night!

Graphic Design

Graphic Designers in Mrs. London’s Class

As a thank you for creating Christmas themed window designs for St. John Advertising & Promotion Inc., LJ Lawson has been teaching the students how to make their own t-shirt designs using vinyl decals. 

Hand Games Presentors

Herman Sutherland from Sylvan Lake, was a guest presenter at Bert Ambrose. He came to teach traditional Hand games to Angela Gatt, and Charleen Barrs class. With our Idigenous Student Support Worker. 

Community Helpers Day

On January 21st, 2020, Bert Ambrose
primary students participated in a Community Helpers Day. As part of the Social
Studies curriculum, students learn about various careers in the community and
who our community helpers are. Students learned about fire-fighting,

Spaghetti Bridge Building

This Thursday, Bert Ambrose sent 5  teams to the District Spaghetti Bridge Building competition held at Robert Ogilivie.  These 15 students earned their spots by successfully building bridges that would hold one kg for one minute.  Students worked very hard and had a lot of fun.